
Ricardo Delvie is an Academy of Art alumni with a degree in Graphic Design. His passion for art started when he was a young boy growing up in his native country of Nicaragua, where he spent hours hovering over his notebook, trying to capture the beauty and grandeur of his hometown Granada. After moving to the United States, he graduated from high school and pursued his artistic ambitions by enrolling in an architecture degree program at a local community college. After countless challenging courses, he realized that although he loved architecture, his true talent had always rested between the pages of his notebook where he could express his talents to the fullest. He made a career change and began studying graphic design at the Academy of Art in San Francisco. Now Ricardo works as a professional freelance graphic designer and photographer for local businesses in Oakland, California. He has worked with film companies, non-profit organizations and individuals looking for quality work. Thanks to these entrepreneurs, Ricardo has had the opportunity to design covers on published novels, movie posters, logos, flyers, business cards, brochures and websites. He has also done photography work for fashion designers, portfolio shoots for models and product photography. He hopes to one day open a gallery where he can proudly display his art for the world to take in. He also has plans to expand his freelance work into a professional studio that offers a variety of graphic design services to the public.

About Me